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Review | Get to Know | How it Will Be | News | Rumors : No Man's Sky

In about a matter of a few days, Hello Games' latest game No Man's Sky is going to be officially released. Not only the team, but also the whole community of gamers are really excited! It is currently available  only for PlayStation 4 and PC, however later it will be available for Xbox One and Nintendo Wii.

A really small group under leadership of the founder of Hello Games Sean Murray have made this surreal masterpiece of exploring infinity possible.

The team some hitches in the process of making this game. A flood wiped out their equipment and stored information and the project for making this game was almost cancelled.
Furthermore the term 'sky' was copyrighted but however was granted to Hello Games finally a month ago.


No Man's Sky is open world, first person, procedurally generated action-adventure game, with over 18 quintillion planets, asteroids, galaxies to explore (according to Wikipedia) with so many things to interact with for example: you can fight against other players and things called 'sentinels' ( come to attack you when you extract too much of resources of a planet). You can swim in the ocean, cut down trees, kill life form and experiment with things. You can even own your own spaceship, but only one at a time. You can land on asteroids, get in a Black Hole, although it has a totally different there.
You even have a tool that acts as a shovel and a weapon, futuristic guns and what not. It is an unique game in itself.

If you happen to buy the game, you won't regret it neither get bored playing it. Because its such a good game and not only that- You cannot complete this game in 1000 years supposing you live for 100 years and play continuously from birth to death. So your posterity might have completed this game like in 2 million years later only if he had a PC and it was working! There was a rumor where a man completed the game even before it was released (by using leaked version). There is no DLC (downloadable content) in this game but who needs that? There is a whole universe in there!


Your spacesuit optimizes itself according to the place you are in so you feel Earth like everywhere you go.You cannot see yourself by any means unless someone greets you in multiplayer and sends you a photo.
When you have a gun in your hand, It will look somewhat as if you are playing a Halo game. You are provided with a health bar and so many aspects. There is a shop in the game where you can trade in. There is also a thing called 'The Atlas' which contains the information about different location discovered by other players of the game. When you upload information about a planet  you discovered ( you certainly will!) you get some nice cool stuffs like better spacesuits to go deeper in space. While in combat with sentinels or enemies, you can dock in their mother-ship and use it to evacuate your craft and take refuge. There is no Earth but there are so many planets that look like Earth and are the shape of the Earth. You can also land on asteroids. While playing the game you are going find out a whole lot of things I haven't told you about.


1. The Space Ships

There are three known spaceships - Explorer Class, Fighter Class, Trader Class. There are also AI Ships that have wing man and bigger ships which the player cannot control. the ships are identifiable by the way they look. There are so many ships that you may not pilot a ship again.

Explorer class have longer range, are stealth and have light combat weapons.

Fighter class have the best guns and can take a lot of hits during fights.

Trader ships are large, can carry a lot of cargo, move slow but are equipped with really nice weapons. But not recommended for combat.

A ship can be bought at a trading post, observatories, space stations and places where ships land. But we have no idea about stealing the ships

Ship Components can be upgraded into really cool things.
If you die while in the ship, the ship will be gone and you will get the base version of your ship.
If you die outside the ship, then you will get the same ship back.

News and Rumors

As mentioned earlier, there was a rumor where a man completed this game even before it was released. Either he hacked it which is impossible because if he did the hack would be released and the game would go down in flames or its all lies and spread by a guy who wanted to become famous.

Another rumor is about a ship that is better than every other ship and is impossible to find.

It is also heard but not confirmed if the spaceships could go underwater and we would find strange life form in there.


This game can replace all your boredom with curiosity and once you start playing this game, you will not regret it. It gallops you into this world, so does it seem. It experiences best with multiplayer. There is maybe - maynotbe chance of the second edition to come.Sources- IGN, Internet, NMS site.